BETA This is a trial service — your feedback will help us to improve it.

Resource Representation

This resource is a JSON representation of an entire extractives report as defined in the schema

   "ReportDetails"    : {
        notes           : String,
        reportEndDate   : String,
        reportName      : String,
        companyNumber   : String,
        companyName     : String,
        currency        : String,
        version         : Integer,
        referenceNumber : String,
        dateAdded       : String

   "projectTotals"           :  [{ projectTotal : {
        notes       : String,
        amount      : String,
        projectCode : String,
        projectName : String
   "governmentPaymentTotals" :  [{ PaymentTotals : {
        notes           : String,
        amount          : String,
        government      : String,
        countryCodeList : String,

   }] ,
   "governmentPayments"      :  [{ governmentPayments : {
         notes       : String,
         amount      : String,
         government  : String,
         countryCode : String,
         unitVolume  : {
            valuationMethod  : String,
            volume           : String,
            unitMeasure      : String,

   "projectPayments"         :  [{ projectPayment : {
        notes       : String,
        paymentType : String,
        amount      : String,
        projectName : String,
        projectCode : String,
        unitVolume  : {
            valuationMethod  : String,
            volume           : String,
            unitMeasure      : String,

        CountryCodeList :String
